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Chinese yo-yo 

語種:英英 英漢 
索引:解釋 相關資料
名詞: n.
The Chinese yo-yo is a toy from China consisting of two equally-sized discs connected with a long axle. The Chinese yo-yo is kept spinning on a string tied to two sticks at its ends. Each stick is held in one hand.
In modern times, it is used as a children's toy and as a performance tool in juggling and sometimes in Chinese ethnic dance. It is possible to perform a large variety of tricks with the Chinese yo-yo which can be as easy as throwing the yo-yo up into the air or tossing it around the user's back. It was found during the Ming dynasty; roughly 1386-1644 A.D.

Like the Western yo-yo, it maintains its spinning motion through a gyroscopic effect based on conservation of angular momentum.

There are many names in the Chinese language for the Chinese yo-yo, for which the Chinese characters and the pinyin are given here:
扯鈴 chě líng ("pull bell sound")
響簧 xiǎng huáng (a name given as if it's a sound instrument)
(抖)空竹 dǒu kōng zhú ((shaking) Empty Bamboo)
詞條貢獻者: vivienshao  
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