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Andrew Marc 

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名詞: n.
Armani; Versace; Gucci; Calvin Klein; Louis Vuitton
Andrew Marc is an American, iconic, luxury fashion and leather goods label. It was founded by Andrew Marc Schwartz in New York City in 1981. Andrew Marc is most well known for its signature fur and leather bomber jacket. The approach to deliver a quality product based on innovation and material, rather than pioneering style trend has kept the label thriving.
Design, Image and Marketing
Andrew Marc initiated the direction of the line, but Suzanne Schwartz designed the collection after she joined the team from 1984-2008. In 2006, she became vice-president. Suzanne also lead merchandising and imagery for the brand. Design is done in-house.
While Suzanne designs and merchandises the line, Chris Gbur conceives of and casts image campaign concepts. Gbur is creative director under the management of 2008. The image is both rugged and cosmopolitan simultaneously. Much of the campaign is often shot in New York City and printed in sepia or grey scale.
2008 sees a record spend in print advertising with 20 pages across periodicals such as Vogue, GQ, Wired, Fashion of the Times, Vanity Fair. Some online placement can also be seen at VF Insider, Facebook, and VogueTV. 2008 also sees a redesigned e-commerce Internet site for Andrew Marc
Andrew Marc is positioned on the luxury tier aside other labels such as Cole Haan and Burberry. Individual items range from $495-$2000. Andrew Marc can be found in many national department stores such as Bloomingdales, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom. The line is also available in specialty stores nation wide. There is also a presence in Canada at Holt Renfrew and Harry Rosen.
The men's and women's outerwear and accessories collections are also distributed through an online presence
詞條貢獻者: Dr.eye編輯組  
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