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名詞: n.
e mei le shan da fo
ㄜˊ ㄇㄟˊ ㄌㄜ ㄕㄢ ㄉㄚˋ ㄈㄛˊ
Emeishan Mountain - Leshan Grand Buddha
Emeishan Mountain is in the city of Emeishan, which is 160 kilometers to the southwest Emeishan city. Jinding, the highest peak of Emeishan Mountain, is 3100-meter high. Leshan Buddha, a key scenic spot in Emeishan Mountain, locates in the east of the mountain and the joint of Minjiang River, Dadu River and Qingyi River.
Emeishan Mountain - Leshan Grand Buddha was granted the name of "world cultural and natural heritage" in Dec 1996. Leshan Buddha is the most important one even in the world, which was built in the 8th century, 71-meter high. It took 90 years to finish this project. Emeishan Mountain has been famous for its beauty and the Buddha. In this mountain, the natural scene and its long history melt together and assist each other. It has become the object of people to sing for.As the natural heritage, Emeishan Mountain owns the typical vegetation form, which can assist the studies on world biota. In addition, its special geologic feature is the proof of biogenic derivation. As the cultural heritage, Emeishan Mountain possesses the relics of Buddhism culture. Here you can find long-period humanism history, temple and buildings and a large amount of precious cultural relics, all of which make the mountain one of four Buddhism Mountains.
詞條貢獻者: Dr.eye編輯組  
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