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名詞: n.
wu dang shan gu jian zhu qun
ㄨˇ ㄉㄤ ㄕㄢ ㄍㄨˇ ㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄓㄨˊ ㄑㄩㄣˊ
Ancient Architectural Complex on Wudang Mountain
Also known as Taihe Mountain, Wudang Mountain was ever honored as "Dayue" and "Xuanyue" by the emperor of Ming dynasty. It is located in the southwest part of Danjiang city, Hubei province, China.
In December, 1994, Wudang was honored as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by the UN Organization of Science, Education and Culture. Its main peak is 1612 meters high. There are 72 peaks around, and 24 rivers running around the mountains, together with the beauty of caves, valleys, trees and flowers, it is a splendid place of interesting. Wudang Mountain ancient architectural complex consists of the building completed in Yuan, Ming, Qing three historic times. Its entire body came into being in the beginning of Ming dynasty. During the whole construction process, involved many famous geomancers, skillful artisans throughout the countries, the key officials from Board of Works of the time supervised the project in person. The ancient architectural complex in Wudang Mountain had experienced many vicissitudes, by now it has Dahe Palace, Nanyan Palace, Ziyun Palace, Yuzhen Palace, the four Taoism palace and Jade Tiger Palace and Five Dragons Palace, two palace relics, two Taoist temple and many shrines, rock temples. It has remains in its original state in layout, design, style, material and craftsmanship. The main construction takes Fu Palace as the center, the primary construction of the palace was completed in a basin or a rock platform, and the shrines were distributed in the surrounding area, all these facets and aspects combining the natural background exhibit a magnificent view before the viewers. It reaches the perfect state in architectural art and architectural aesthetics, containing rich Chinese ancient culture, science and technology, and it is the material proof for the study of politics in former Ming dynasty, and Chinese religious history.
詞條貢獻者: Dr.eye編輯組  
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