雖然不認識死者,但許多人在與聞某人或多人喪生時,心中都會油然而生有如自己喪失至親好友般的喪親之痛。1997 年英國黛安娜王妃之死、1999 年台灣 921大地震以及 2001年美國 911 恐怖攻擊造成數千人喪命的慘劇皆曾引發許多人的哀傷和悲痛,是 communal bereavement 的典型例子。
The measure of communal bereavement that Catalano and Hartig use in their research is the prevalence of very low birth weight babies — babies born small as a result of premature labor, which can be induced by psychological stress. They wanted to know, as Catalano puts it, "How far away from the individuals who died can you be and still experience the bereavement response at a biological level?" Studying the effects of two national traumas in Sweden, and controlling for other variables, they found a 21 percent increase in very low birth weight babies after the assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme, and a 15 percent increase after the ferry Estonia sank, killing hundreds of passengers. (The New York Times,紐約時報)