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名詞: n.


“三三秀水清如玉,六六奇峰翠插天”,構成了奇幻百出的武夷山水之勝。還有距今約3800年前高插於懸崖峭壁之上的船棺,宋代朱熹創辦的紫陽書院,元代禦茶園以及歷代摩崖石刻等名勝古跡。素有“奇秀甲東南”之稱。武夷山集道、佛、儒教於一身,是一座歷史悠久的文化名山。秦漢以來,為歷代朝延所推崇,唐朝時被朝廷冊封為天下名山大川。古代中國的李商隱、范仲淹、朱熹、陸游、辛棄疾、徐霞客等名家都在武夷山留下各自的墨寶。武夷山遺留下摩崖石刻500多方及眾多的文物古跡,“道南理窟”、“朱子理學”、“架壑船棺” 等人文景觀。武夷山是朱子理學的搖籃,是世界研究朱子理學乃至東方文化的基地。景區以九曲溪為主線,主要有天游峰、玉女峰、大王峰、水簾洞、一線天等遊覽區。

名詞: n.
fu jian wu yi shan
ㄈㄨˊ ㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄨˇ ㄧˊ ㄕㄢ
Fujian Wuyi Mountains Tourist Resort
Wuyi Mountains is situated in the Wuyishan city, the northern part of Fujian Province. The main site is 60 kilometers in acreage, the average height of peaks is about 350 meters. It is a typical rosy cloud landform.
In 1996 December, Fujian Wuyi Mountains was honored as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by the UN Organization of Science, Education and Culture. It is a place of interesting with a long history, and among the first group of tourist sites elected as the national key tourist resort, Mrs. Barerke, president of the executive committee of World Tourism Organization, described it as "the model of world environmental protection". If you take a bamboo raft trip fleeting through the river, you will get quite a view of the water and the mountain, and particularly, the raft coffin hanging on the cliff, it is a special and mysterious burial 3800 years ago. Wuyi Mountains is thousands of kilometers long, just like a green dragon flying among Min, Zhe, Gan and Yue, four provinces. The world famous Wuyi Mountains nature reserve of national level is just located on the highest place of the northern part of Wuyi Mountains; it has the biggest acreage, best-preserved mid-subtropical ecological system in southeastern China. It is selected as a world biological reserve and the A Reserve with world protection value by the United Nations. The natural condition inside the reserve is very advantageous, the forest cover is well preserved, biological resource is very rich, and there are many rare birds and animals. 2466 kinds of higher plants, 840 kinds of lower plants, 475 kinds of spinal animals, and about 5000 kinds of insects have been formally named. There are 26 kinds of most valuable plants, 56 kinds of national first and second class valuable animals, in addition, several dozens of world rare breeds such as "Jiao Guai" can be found here.
詞條貢獻者: LiuSean  
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