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Panda's distribution and history

發表于:2009-06-02 10:03:58  
The fossil record of the giant panda is incomplete. Some intermediate stages have been suggested. A small bear like animal, Agriarctos, that lived in the mid Miocene (about 3 million years ago) is an ancestor of the giant panda. The fossils of the present day giant panda can be found from the Early Pleistocene. There may have been as many as 4 species of Ailuropoda. Fossils of Ailuropoda microta, one species, was found to have lived in the early Pleistocene. They were about 1/2 the size of present day pandas. Fossils of Ailuropoda melanoleuca, the present day giant panda, appear in the mid Pleistocene. The distribution of giant pandas was much more extensive in the Pleistocene. Fossils have been found in present day Burma and Vietnam.

The giant panda has been declining for thousands of years due to hunting by humans and climatic changes. Its populations originally extended throughout most of southern and eastern China, northern Myanmar, and northern Vietnam. By 1900, it occurred only in the Qinling Mountains and along the edge of the Tibetan plateau. Soon after 1900, the expansion of agriculture upstream along principal river valleys separated this distribution into separate regions in six mountain ranges. Currently, the giant pandas distribute in six mountain ranges including Qinling, Minshan, Qionglai, Liangshan, Daxiangling and Xiaoxiangling in Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan provinces. The distribution of Qinling giant pandas have isolated from that of Sichuan giant pandas since 12 thousand years ago.

Giant panda is rare and endangered species endemic to China. The low rates of reproductive success and infectious disease resistance have severely hampered the development of captive and wild populations of the giant panda.

The giant panda weighs 70 - 125 kg (154 - 275 lb). It occupies montane forests with dense stands of bamboo at altitudes of 2700 - 3900 m (8850 - 12,800'). The panda does not hibernate but descends to lower elevations in the winter (usually not lower than 800 m (2600') to reach warmer temperatures. It does not make a permanent den but takes shelter in hollow trees, rock crevices and caves. Although it is predominantly terrestrial, the giant panda can climb trees well. Activity patterns are largely crepuscular and nocturnal. Ten to twelve hours a day are spent feeding, mainly on bamboo (which comprises 99 % of its diet). Giant pandas are usually solitary, except during the mating season.

Now, most pandas are distributed in Sichuan, south Shanxi and Gansu. The amount of wild pandas is less than 1000 and the artificial breeding is about 100.




目前主要分佈於中國的四川、陝西南部、甘肅。中國特有種,野生數量不到1000 隻,人工飼養約100隻。
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